George, the man behind Scraffer, got in touch and asked me to print this rather nice Luke Insect designed poster for his group show in Notting Hill. There are some good names there, it looks like it will be worth a trip to the wild west. Because the print is bled to the edges it is printed on larger paper and then trimmed down. This not only makes it possible to pick up the prints without covering your hands in ink, and therefore the next sheet of paper, but also means you can keep the registration marks on each sheet. I got them properly trimmed by helpful guys at Reprocity in Hackney Wick and it makes all the difference to the finish.
A rather fine London map by Joao Fonte printed on recycled paper sourced (as they say) by Joao. He's told me where he got it and I think I may be getting some in for people pretty soon, I am often asked for a paper which is properly off white. I think Joao told me he originally drew this as a freebie for the ad agency where he works, with their office featured in red. Being decent sorts they have let Joao have his design to sell as a print with the advert omitted.