Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Atom Print..
Atom's good friend Ben Rider adds some hand finishing to a select few of the Atom print. I spotted Ben's work a little while ago and thought this is the man to bring some gravitas to the Atom brand! It has been a pleasure to work with him. This three colour B3 (35 x 50cm) edition of 50 will be given away over the next few weeks, with the ten hand finished copies being for sale.
Friday, 10 October 2014
Just My Type
Got a phone call from a nice chap in Northern Ireland the other day, calls himself 'Just My Type'. Wanted to talk about screen printing his maps, as it was just one colour I said I could easily do him a proof at no cost. (For prints with more than one colour I would need a commitment to the job to do a proof.) Really it was to see if the small type was going to print decently. As you can see some of the serifs and very fine lines disappear but not too bad overall.
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Nutty Prints...
Brendan 'Breno' Smyth holds up two little screenprints he was rather pleased with...'Reem!' he said. Breno, brother of Chas Smash, actually designed the logo and produced a lot of the Nutty Boys merch back in the day. If these sell we hope to print a very nice three colour number in the near future.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Los Felinos Cosmicos!
Thundercats! for mono linguists..another series from the slightly obsessed Pixel..I-am-Pixel.com. Here is El Tigre a three colour screen print approx A1 size.
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Queen Bat..
Metallic gold and fluoro pink A2 screen print for Heath Kane. Very clever and simple I thought. Bruce Wayne of course being the only superhero without any super powers, just a rich dude who wanted to do good. What ever else you want to read into it is entirely up to you! Did an initial run of ten and they have sold out through Atomica and Art Republic so Heath came back for the other 90.
You're Haring a Laugh!
A2 screenprint for Lewis Bannister. I did I think 5 different colours for the panicking man, and then Lewis did some very nice hand sprayed ones. Been rather tardy with my posts so I am sure these have all sold by now.
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
El Pixel Strikes Again!
Another stunning print from Pixel www.i-am-pixel.com when I say stunning I think I mean Atom's work as well as Pixel's. Well proud of these I am, printed by Angus, who took these pics, and me. They are hard work to get spot on..being A1 in size and have flat areas of colour as well as quite fine detail and a varnish on top of all that. Don't think these are available atm but no doubt will be at Art Republic soon, and from Pixel's site, this one is El Iman. And a very few at the Atom Gallery (?)
Saturday, 24 May 2014
Wyatt is Golden
An A2 digital print for Sian Superman, with added value gold screen print layer! Looks great, helps when the painting is rather good. I think she did an original with gold leaf around it, this is a slightly more affordable option. From an edition of 20 on her website
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
A detail from Has's new print, Brainorama. This is published by Artswipe and will soon be on sale on the site. It is on 50 x 70 Magnani Litho paper and has six spraypainted layers and then a black screenprint layer and finally a satin varnish on top of the black. It looks fabulous, which is just as well as it took a very long time to complete the edition of 20!
Those Mexicans Again.
My very capable sometime assistant Angus MacKenzie spotted these in the window of Art Republic in Brighton the other weekend. By Pixel printed by Atom.
Streets Of Beige
A2 Screenprint for the above guys (SOB) the design is by Chad Woodward and was for SOB's 16 Bit Brawl celebrating old school video games as far as I can make out. A great image and really fun to print.
Biggest Print
Will Westaway is very pleased with the screenprinted poster for his film. This print measures 2' x 3' and I am pretty sure it is the biggest printed area I have done. American A1 apparently. A little tribute to Saul Bass, and none the worse for that.. The film sounds great actually, a documentary about the mysterious circumstances of a writers death.
Saturday, 15 February 2014
Dalston Alps
I did this CMYK screenprint as a test for David Buonaguidi. It was really to see how small I could go with the dots, in mono I can print up to 40dpi but its more difficult to work out dpi with CMYK, well in Photoshop anyway. Its pretty grainy, the bottom pic is from a section about 14cm wide, the picture area is about A2 on B2 paper. I could perhaps go a bit smaller with the dots but this size works well and looks good, for the right artwork of course. Dave is planning a series of these and may get them printed by litho in the end, I've told him if he does I still want one for my wall..
Sunday, 9 February 2014
Map gets Bigger

Printed this for Joao at A2 size some time ago, now its B1 size (100x70cm) on the same recycled paper. Have a look at his stuff here
Sunday, 12 January 2014
Wrestling Superheroes
Three A1 screenprints for a fella goes by the name of Pixel. All three colour with the black screen used for an additional varnish layer. They would look fabulous all hanging together, I just don't think I have got the wall space. To be honest, not sure the usually very tolerant Mrs Atom would be thrilled either..
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