Two A2 posters printed for Sara Mererid Williams for sale in I think she said Selfridges. Some very small type here, about 10 point, and reversed out of a colour which can create problems with small lines filling in. I was pleased with how crisp I got it all. A fine mesh and a fairly stiff squeegee is the answer. Sara was very pleased too, and has printed stuff herself. Its always very gratifying when someone who knows how tricky screenprinting can be is impressed.
Two A2 posters printed for Sara Mererid Williams for sale in I think she said Selfridges. Some very small type here, about 10 point, and reversed out of a colour which can create problems with small lines filling in.
Two A2 posters printed for Sara Mererid Williams for sale in I think she said Selfridges. Some very small type here, about 10 point, and reversed out of a colour which can create problems with small lines filling in.